Spicy Hips and Hot Peppers
Hello! Jenn and Betsy here! Today we got the opportunity to visit two sites. The first was called the Palms which is a geriatric housing facility for both men and women. Our team arrived in the morning just before lunch time and divided into three groups to better serve the large community that resides there. Jenn's group was privileged to engage with an all female ward who were friendly, loved music and dance like their hips don't lie. Most of the women that we encountered were thrilled to talk to us and tell us their life stories! Jenn found herself conversing about female empowerment which was touching to voice. Betsy's group was able to go to three different wards to interact with people with various disabilities and backgrounds. Conversations diverged into topics such as eating, praying, and love. It can be assured that many parables were exchanged within the tin roofs of the ward.
Afterwards, Anthony cooked up a delicious lunch for us! It consisted of fried chicken, brown rice, mixed veggies, and yummy corn biscuits!! The next site was a second round of play time with the energetic boys of the Bosco Orphange. Here are some pictures the boys took this afternoon on Jenn's camera! You can for sure say that they aren't camera shy and love making silly faces :)
Afterwards, Anthony cooked up a delicious lunch for us! It consisted of fried chicken, brown rice, mixed veggies, and yummy corn biscuits!! The next site was a second round of play time with the energetic boys of the Bosco Orphange. Here are some pictures the boys took this afternoon on Jenn's camera! You can for sure say that they aren't camera shy and love making silly faces :)
During our time there, it was pouring rain so instead of playing football (soccer), we ended up playing games such as ''hot pepper" (i.e. tennis), "ABCs", "double double", "hot hands", and "dog and bone". The boys just came back from their long day at school, so being there was a great way for them to release energy and get ready for dinner! Next time, we hope to maybe help them with homework and deepen our friendships with them! Let's hope for another bright day filled with more bright smiles!! So long!
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